samedi 28 janvier 2012

New York : A movie industry

A metropolis usually refers, in Geography, to a huge metropolitan area, because of its population, its political and economical and also cultural functions. Among these metropolisises. some are considered as what we call "world cities" and are the main actors of the world globalization. New York is of course one of these metropolisis.

When it comes to movie industry in the United States, the first word that comes to our minds is "Hollywood". But New York is also an important film industry in the country. Of course, it is much smaller than the Hollywood one but it plays a huge role in the city's economy and is the second largest center of movie industry in the United States.
In fact the city atracted 250 independent and studio films in 2005. This industry employs 100 000 people, and brings 5 billion dollars to the city economy each year.
New York city was used as a location for famous movies such as Mr and Mrs Smith, King Kong, New York I love you, which is as the title suggests, a true love declaration to this beautiful city. It was also used for many of the famous Woody Allen's movies.

You may wonder why does many dierctors, from all around the world, chose to shoot their movies in New York ?

" It's partly because New York is a culture center, it's partly because there are so many communities, it's partly because there are so many people " said Dan Nuxoll, the program director for Rooftop films.

" Because New York has a diversity of potential outdor space, we probably have the largest concentration of outdoor films " said Kate Levin, who is the cultural affairs commissioner for New York City.

"I could do another 50 pictures about New York, but I can't afford to do it. New York itself is very inspiring. If I take a walk in the morning on Madison Avenue and I look at people going to work and kids going to school, I'm full of ideas about wanting to do stories about the city." said Woody Allen, the famous director who was born and raised in New York .

Because of the importance of cinema in this city, there are many television and film studios all over New York like ABC studios, or Metropolis Studios just to name a few.

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