samedi 28 janvier 2012

Identity Card

Country: The United States
Inhabitants : 8.2 millions
New York is the most populous city in the United States. It is the center of the New York Metropolitan Area

Area : 5 boroughs, Manhattan (58,8 km²), Brooklyn (184 km²), le Bronx (106 km²), Queens (290 km²) and Staten Island (148 km²).

New York's flag

Tourists : 48,7 millions , among those 37 millions are americans.

New York is the second most visited city in the world.
New York's seal

Nickname : The Big Apple, The city that never sleeps, The capital of the world

Mayor : Michael Bloomberg

Lanuages spoken in New York : English by 59 % of the citizens, Spanish by 25 % of the citizens, Chinese by 4 % of the citizens, French by 2,5 % of the citizens. Other languages like German, Japanese, Italian, Russian are spoken too, but by fewr people.


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