samedi 28 janvier 2012

September 11 : A day to remember

The attacks of September 11 were a series of fous coordinates attacks upon the United States in New York City and Washington DC on Septembre 11, 2001. This date is often considered as the official entry into the 21st century.
Everything happened within a few hours. The famous Twin Towers of the Worl Trade Center situated in Lower Manhattan, in New York City was crashed twice by planes hijacked by the islamist militant group, "al-Quaeda". At 9:55 am the south tower collapses, and 18 minutes later the north tower collapses as well. 
People were shocked because it was the first time that a country was attacked by an islamist militant group without anybody suspecting anything. It was a total surprise for the government of The United States, the authorities ... 
This event had a huge impact all over the world. In fact, every step of the event was broadcasted and watched by million of people all around the worlt, thanks to the american and international media. 

There were negative effects for New York and its role in the globalization after this sad event. Murder attempts against both towers had impacts on international exchanges, displacements of persons, and of merchandises. The Economic Organisation of Collaboration and Development (OECD) estimated the direct and indirect damges of September 11 at 30 billion dollars.  The opening of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was delayed after the attacks.  The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations best known as the NASDAQ cancelled tradings too. The London Stock Exchange had to be evacuated. The New York Mercantile Exchange was closed for a week after the attacks.
Some sectors were hit harder than others. Travel and entertainment stocks fell, and online travel agencies suffered a lot .
In New York, 430 000 jobs were lost and 2.8 billion dollars were in lost wages in the three months after September 11, 2001. The economic effects were about the New York's export economy sectors. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was declined by 27.3 billion dollars. The federal government had to give 11.2 billion dollars to the government of NYC in 2001 and 10.5 billion dollars in 2001 so that the city could devlop economically and take care of the infrastructure needs.

Lower Manhattan was particularly touched by the 9/11 attacks especially because it is situated next to the World Trade Center. 18 000 buisnesses were destroyed.

This event was the subject of many documantaries, but the most famous one is Fahrenheit 9/11 which is actually a documentary film, directed by the political commentator Moore. In this 2004 film, Moore takes a critical look at the 8 years of presidency of George W. Bush, and the main subject is the terrorist attack of September 11 and its aftermath. This movie won th Best Picture price the same year at the Cannes Festival Film. The movie was a huge success. 

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